Alcohol Hangover Research Group

September 15, 2010 (1.00pm -2.30pm)

Consequences of alcohol consumption in humans: Hangover and other residual alcohol effects: Predictors and consequences

Venue: Cap 15 conference center, Paris, France


The symposium will focus on the residual effects of an episode of drinking intoxication, with emphasis on hangover and residual behavioral effects. Recent research has found detrimental neurocognitive effects after alcohol has left the body the morning after drinking to intoxication, effects that could affect safety-sensitive performance.  Although a number of studies find that 25-20% of drinkers do not report any hangover the morning after heavy drinking, neurocognitive deficits occurred regardless of sensitivity to hangover.  The current symposium follows up that previous research by investigating several determinants and consequences of heavy drinking.  The first study investigates whether hangover sensitivity in college adds to variance due to drinking practices in predicting transitions to post-college drinking quantity/frequency. The second study investigates hypothesized genetic predictors of hangover sensitivity. The third study investigates functional changes in the brain using fMRI the morning after drinking to alcohol intoxication compared to placebo. The fourth study examines the relationship between hangover intensity and residual alcohol effects on attention/reaction time. The discussant brings in the European perspective on the studies on residual effects of an episode of heavy drinking.                                                                    Schedule